Registered user since Tue 12 Aug 2014
Name:Dominique Devriese
My research interests are somewhat varied. I work on formalising properties of object-oriented and object-capability programming languages, specifically a property called effect parametricity. I am also interested in secure compilation and full abstraction properties and applying logical relations to prove them. Furthermore, I work on functional and dependently typed programming and programming languages. I have worked on a Haskell parsing library called grammar-combinators and have added instance arguments to the programming language/proof assistant Agda. I have also worked on information flow security, in particular a technique called secure multi-execution.
Affiliation:iMinds, Belgium
Personal website: https://distrinet.cs.kuleuven.be/people/dominiqu
Research interests:Functional Programming, Object Capabilities, Secure Compilation, Dependently-typed Programming
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