Registered user since Fri 30 Jul 2021
I am currently a developer at Standard Chartered Bank. I’m also co-founder at Chordify, responsible for the functional back-end.
Before joining Standard Chartered, I was a postdoctoral research assistant in the Programming Languages group at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Oxford, working on the Unifying Theories of Generic Programming project. Previously I was a PhD student at the Department of Information and Computing Sciences of Utrecht University in the Netherlands. My PhD topic was Real-Life Datatype Generic Programming, supervised by Johan Jeuring, Andres Löh, and Doaitse Swierstra.
Before that I graduated from Minho University in Computer Science and Systems Engineering (Licenciatura em Engenharia de Sistemas e Informática).
I have also been a Summer Student at CERN, an intern at Philips Research, and a research intern at Microsoft Research Cambridge.
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