Registered user since Fri 22 Jan 2016
I joined Oxford University in October 2007. Before, I was a lecturer in the Institut für Informatik III at Universität Bonn. I am the Chairman of Examiners on the MScs in Software Engineering and Software and Systems Security. I am the secretary of IFIP Working Group 2.8 (Functional Programming). I am a member of IFIP Working Group 2.1 (Algorithmic Languages and Calculi) and EAPLS. I am an editor of the Journal of Functional Programming. I also served as Guest Editor of the Special Issue on Generic Programming and the Special Issue on Functional Pearls. I am the organiser and chair of IFL 2012 (Oxford) and a member of the IFL steering committee. I was the general chair of ICFP 2007 and a member of the ICFP steering committee. I was the organizer and co-chair of the Workshop on Generic Programming 2008 (WGP ’08). I was the organizer and chair of the Workshop on Generic Programming 2006 (WGP ’06) and the Haskell Workshop 2001. I am also founder and chair of the WGP Steering Committee. I serve on the program committee of IFL 2010. I served on the Haskell 98 committee and on the program committees of WAAAPL’99, WGP 2000, ICFP 2000, Haskell 2000, WCGP ’02, ICFP 2003, Haskell 2003, MetaOCaml workshop, Second MetaOCaml Workshop, POPL 2005, IFL 2006, TFP 2008, APLAS 2009, IFL 2009, PPDP 2009, TFP 2009 and IFL 2010. I co-organised the Spring School on Datatype-Generic Programming (Nottingham, 2006); I was also one of the lecturers. I lecturered at the Spring School on Generic and Indexed Programming (Oxford, March 2010), the Central European Functional Programming School (Komarno, Slovakia, May 2009) and the Summer School on Generic Programming (Oxford, August 2002).
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